special prelim exam

  • Due No due date
  • Points 100
  • Questions 55
  • Time Limit 120 Minutes



  1. Read and follow the directions for each test carefully.  Non-compliance to the instructions will invalidate your test answers.
  2. Do not talk or text to your classmates during the examination since talking/texting to your classmates is considered as CHEATING. Do not leave or log-out during the time of examination. Your time movement is strictly monitored through the canvas.  If you have any question or problem, ask the proctor or your instructor.
  3. ALL SOLUTIONS AND COMPUTATIONS must be captured by a camera/cellphone using your handwriting with your name written above each paper. After the exam, IMMEDIATELY submit all the captured solutions through CANVAS on the assignment section of the PRELIM ASSESSMENT MODULE. No solution, no points.
  4. Candidates are bound by HAU Rules and Procedures on Academic Fraud


True or False:  Read and understand the statements carefully. 

Multiple choice:  Read and understand the statements and options carefully.  Choose the correct answer among the options

Problem solving:  Read, understand, and analyze the statement carefully.  


For area of probability, ROUND OFF to FOUR DECIMAL PLACES.

 Round of to three decimal places.

Make sure you answer  the question first before you click the NEXT button as you cannot go back to the previous questions.

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